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Current Contributers

Claire Bryan

Valeriya Epshteyn

Emma Laurent

Alex Pears

Sarah Posner

Claire Roos

Eva Roos

Annie Turpin

Words from Alex

Napkin is a collection of thoughts, ruminations, and opinions. It comes out of a place of restlessness, but of not knowing where to begin. My essay, ‘Drama Queen,’ on page 14, tells the story of when my parents found my website a few months ago, and how the pain and hurt that they responded with to my art affected by attitude towards my process and why I make work at all. These past few months I’ve had to reconsider my own creative work and the implications of my making. I became full of self-loathing. I was locked in a stalemate with myself.


In March, I was in Portland for the SGCI printmaking conference, and had signed up to meet with a professor to chat about “my future” after I graduate. As she asked what I wanted to do after school, I talked on and on about my love of publications, and how I thought it would be the best to be part of a magazine some day. She looked at me and said, “well, why don’t you start your own?”


And, so, without any idea of a name, and with any idea of what this magazine would be about, I started sending out emails to friends and classmates, asking for their thoughts, their contributions, and their help. I see it now as a collection of opinions and ideas, a space for people to start converstations. It may evolve and change in focus and form as more issues emerge, but that’s what I love about it, not really knowing where we’ll be in 4 months, in a year. So, here is Issue 1 of Napkin, in all its newborn glory. If you’d like to contribute and get involved, send us an email at We’d love to share what you have to say.


- Alex Pears

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